MR Art Installations vs Physical Art Installations

November 11, 2021


Art installations have been an essential part of the art world for centuries. With the advancement of technology, Mixed Reality (MR) art installations have emerged as a new genre in the art world. A Mixed Reality (MR) artwork is a piece that merges both digital and real objects to create an immersive experience for the viewer. In this blog post, we'll compare MR art installations with physical art installations and discover their advantages and disadvantages.


One of the primary factors that differ when it comes to MR art installations and physical art installations is the cost. The cost of manufacturing a physical installation is significantly higher than creating a digital one. The production cost of MR art installations usually constitutes the expenses involved in programming and creating 3D models. According to a report by Artnome, it was observed that the average cost of an installation by a well-known artist could range between $20,000 to $100,000, excluding transportation, installation, and gallery commission. On the other hand, It was estimated that the cost of manufacturing an MR installation varies between $5,000 to $50,000, which is usually lower than physical art installations.


Physical art installations have always been limited to space and location. To experience a physical installation, one has to be present at a particular location. This means that physical art installations have limited accessibility. However, digital MR art installations can be accessed through a range of devices from anywhere in the world. This provides greater accessibility and is a significant advantage for digital installations.

Environmental impact

Art installations have adverse environmental impacts, whether they are physical or digital. The production of art installations consumes a considerable amount of energy and resources, causing a negative impact on the environment. However, MR art installations have better environmental impact than physical installations in the long run. Digital installations have a lower carbon footprint since they don't require transportation or physical maintenance. Whereas physical installations have to be shipped, which in turn contributes to pollution and carbon footprint.

Viewer Experience

The viewer experience plays a crucial role in art installations. Physical installations provide a unique sensory experience, such as touch and smell, which digital installations lack. On the other hand, MR installations offer a new range of sensory experiences that enhance the artwork's viewer engagement. For instance, viewers can interact or manipulate elements of MR installations, adding a more personalized experience.


Both physical and MR art installations have their advantages and disadvantages. While physical installations offer unique sensory experiences and better quality, MR installations are accessible, eco-friendly, and cost-effective. The rise of digital technologies and the decreasing costs of production make MR installations a likable option for artists and galleries worldwide.


  1. Artnome, (2019). What does it cost to make great art installations? Retrieved from
  2. Knight, A. (2020). The Best VR Art Exhibitions to See Right Now. Retrieved from
  3. Mixed Reality Art. (n.d.). Mixed Reality Art - Mixed Reality Playground. Retrieved from

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